El Caleta in English

This is the weblog of the English Department of I.E.S. La Caleta (La Caleta Secondary School) in Cádiz, Spain. Here you can read and discuss comments, essays, letters, etc. written by our students. We hope you enjoy it!

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Cork (Ireland)

Ana Belén Toré Martín (1ºA Bachillerato, 2006/07)


Anonymous Anonymous said...


snow white is a girl very pretty.She has got very white skin by that she is called snow white.She lives with her setp mother in a castle.Her step mother isn't very good.
She has got a magic mirror..... who is the most beautiful?
and the mirror answers:
you and only you.
Everyday she asks the same guestion.But a day mirror answered:
Show white is the most beautiful.
the stepmother was very angry.She ordered to kile at show white .A woodrutter walked with show white at the forest un orde to kill her and catnh her herart but he was pitifut and he let she escaped.She ran and she foud a house where seven alwarfs livd.She entered in the house and lied un a bed.
At the next morming, the seven alwarfs met her .She told thim his story . the alwarfs asked that she is stayed there.
Now,everyone lived tooether.A day,the stepmother dressed like a old girl.She visited snow white and she gave her a poisoned apple.
Show white bit the apple and She fell on the floor.she was slept many days
A day ,a prince arrived and he kissed her.She woke and fell un love.They were married and lived very happy.

Thursday, 15 March, 2007  

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